Amazing Health Benefits of Gooseberry

Gooseberry is a super food in which you get about 2 times more Vitamin C then orange. Acai-berry which we consider a very good anti-oxidant, you get two times more antioxidant in it and from pomegranate, you get 17 times more anti-oxidant in gooseberry.

Let’s discuss about the Benefits of gooseberry:

Common Cold:

Gooseberry is a very effective natural source of Vitamin C and if you take gooseberry instead of vitamin C for cold and cough, it will help you a lot in recovering from this problem.


Gooseberry improves your eyesight. By eating gooseberry you eyesight does not deteriorate and you start getting improvement in it. A lot of researches has been done on this and it is found that your eyesight will be improve and the pressure inside our eyes which we call intra-ocular pressure starts reducing. Along with this, gooseberry also contain Vitamin A which can cure the problem of night blindness.

Burns Fat:

It helps in burning extra fat present inside your body. People might not know but it also helps in weight loss also. There are some proteins found in gooseberry which reduce food grabbing in your body i.e. the desire to eat food again and again. Along with this, gooseberry also increases metabolism in our body.


As you know, gooseberry is rich in Vitamin C, which is very good thing to enhance you immunity. Apart from vitamin C, you also found many other oxidants in gooseberry due to which oxidative damage in your body starts reducing and remain protected from various type of disease.


By eating gooseberry, the risk of cancer in the body also starts reducing to a great extent. Along with this, gooseberry also helps in reducing the abnormal cellular growth inside your body which is the real cause of cancer. Gooseberry also contain immuno modulatory properties which is very useful for cancer patient.


Gooseberry improves your digestive system because it contains a lot of fiber in it. The problem of constipation can also be cured. If you have problem of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), then you get a lot of benefit by using it. The digestive juice inside your stomach get improved by using gooseberry.

Skin and Hair Health: 

Gooseberry is very beneficial for skin health and hair growth. It contains vitamin C, which helps in the production of collagens inside your body. Due to this, as your age increases, the lines that start appearing on your skin, dark spots and wrinkles, they start reducing. If your hair has turning white prematurely or you got the problem of hair fall and dandruff, then you should use gooseberry.

Chronic Disease:

Chronic disease means the disease which are old, continue for a long period of time and keeps increasing with your age such as diabetes is a chronic disease. High blood pressure is also a chronic disease. Apart from this, tuberculosis is a chronic problem. In these problems, you need vitamin C which is present in gooseberry.

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