There are many points in the sole of our feet which are connected to different organs. If these points are massaged at night before going to sleep, it gives many benefits. Today we will tell you about the benefits of foot massage before going to bed at night.
Massage of warm mustard oil on both the soles of the feet for five minutes before going to bed gives amazing benefits. It cures many diseases in our body, it contains vitamins and nutrients which are useful for health along with eliminating pains. By massaging the soles of the feet before going to bed, blood pressure, male weakness, mental weakness, insomnia. Physical weakness, lethargy, fatigue, obesity, hidden diseases of women and men, weakness of vision, tension, headache, joint pain, knee pain, back pain, burning and swelling of feet and premature aging, constipation and stomach diseases will be eliminated. Massaging the soles regularly at night before going to bed has hundreds of benefits.
If mustard oil is massaged on the soles of the feet before going to bed at night, it improves eyesight. Before going to bed at night, if mustard oil is massaged on the soles of the feet, the blood circulation from head to toe is improved. If mustard oil is massaged on the soles of the feet at night before going to bed, it keeps the metabolism healthy. Excess fat in the body is the main cause of obesity and diseases. Due to obesity, many types of diseases can occur. If the soles of the feet are massaged daily, it starts melting the extra fat in the body and starts losing weight.
Before going to bed at night, if mustard oil is massaged on the soles of the feet, one will get a deep and sound sleep and the eyes will not open frequently at night. Before going to bed at night, if mustard oil is massaged on the soles of the feet, the tension is removed and the mind remains calm. The tiredness of the day goes away. If mustard oil is massaged on the soles of the feet at night before going to bed, there is a lot of benefit in high blood pressure and low blood pressure.
So it can relieve back pain as well as pain in different parts of the body. If mustard oil is massaged on the soles of the feet at night before going to bed, it relieves constipation and cures all types of stomach related ailments.