Is sugar or shakr poison? It depends on how much sugar an average Pakistani consumes daily, as the World Health Organization has declared twenty-five grams of sugar per day as suitable for health, but on an average, every Pakistani consumes 62 grams of this sweet poison per day.
However, do you know how our body stores this excess amount of sugar in a unique way? If not, then know because without it it will be quite impossible to stay away from sweets.
Harms of Sugar
Sugar deposits fat on body parts
Monosaccharides, an element in sugar, cause your liver to store more fat, and over time this can turn into a disease called fatty liver.
Sugar makes the body prone to diabetes
According to a medical study, if a person consumes extra 150 calories from sugar, the risk of diabetes increases by 1.1%.
Gratitude is destructive to the heart
If you avoid sugar just to avoid diabetes, you are actually protecting your heart, as there is a link between heart disease and diabetes. Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death in people with type 2 diabetes.
Stress on blood vessels due to sugar
The use of sugar increases insulin in the blood, which affects the body’s circulatory system and arteries. Excess insulin causes muscle cells in the arteries to circulate faster than normal, causing the walls of the arteries to contract. Stress increases and increases the risk of stroke or heart attack after suffering from high blood pressure.
Sugar causes cholesterol
There is a relationship between sugar and cholesterol, according to a study, people who consume more sugar are more likely to develop diabetes and obesity, as well as high cholesterol, which is harmful to the body, while it is in the blood. Increases dangerous fat.
Risk of type 3 diabetes
One study used the term type 3 diabetes, which links insulin resistance, high-fat diets, and Alzheimer’s disease, in fact, the name given to Alzheimer’s patients’ digestive system disorders. The brain’s ability to produce glucose and energy is impaired, meaning it can also be called cerebral diabetes.
Sugar makes you addicted to junk food
Since the consumption of sugar releases chemicals that increase the feeling of happiness in the brain, and like drugs, the consumption of sugar itself gives pleasure, until the sugar addicts get something sweet, they experience fear, mental stress, etc. Only others experience mental suffering.