What are the symptoms and causes of stroke

Stroke is a painful and dangerous disease. A common belief is that stroke only affects older people, but this is not true, stroke can affect people of any age, even children. 19 out of 100 people are over the age of 55. It is important to know who is most at risk of stroke and why. Medical experts say that in the United States and many countries around the world, the incidence of stroke among children and young people is increasing. They say that the main reason for this is not having a healthy lifestyle. Experts reviewed data from 8 million people admitted to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention between 1995 and 2008. People over the age of 44 have an increased risk of stroke or stroke. Medical experts say that there is a need to tell people that stroke affects young people more and to avoid it we have to adopt a healthy lifestyle. By making changes in our life we ​​can reduce this risk. can reduce So today we will tell you why stroke happens and what are its symptoms? Along with this, you will also be informed about some foods that protect against stroke.

Paralysis is related to various diseases of the brain. In fact, it is the brain that controls the movements of the human body. The brain is divided into four major parts, the front part of which is called the frontal lobe. The most posterior part is called the motor cortex. It starts from the top of the head and goes forward and ends just before the ear. The order is reversed, for example, the part that controls the muscles of the face, the bottom one is near the ear and the part that controls the legs is at the top. Affecting this part can cause paralysis. The most common causes are a blocked or ruptured artery in the brain.

The blood vessels absorb oxygen from the lungs and deliver it to the brain within a second or two. If this vein is blocked for a minute or two, the brain can be severely and irreparably damaged. Sometimes elderly people complain that when they wake up in the morning for ablution, their feet or hands are not moving, then after a while it gets better. The chances of complete paralysis are about 25% higher than normal people and that’s when it happens that is when complete paralysis can be prevented. Complete paralysis refers to when half of the body is completely disabled and if the right side is affected, the person loses the power to speak because the power to speak is in the right brain and the left side. Similarly, if that part of the brain is affected. If it controls your body movement, then it physically paralyzes you, meaning you become disabled, so every minute after a stroke, your brain is losing 1.9 million cells.

But if treatment is not available for one hour, the mental age increases by three and a half years. That is, you suddenly age mentally. The longer the delay in getting treatment, the greater the difficulty in speaking and the greater the risk of problems such as deprivation and behavioral changes. So the damage to the brain is less.

Now let us tell you the early symptoms of stroke.

According to experts, these signs of stroke start to appear a week before the actual stroke.

Difficulty thinking:

When people have trouble choosing the right words or thinking about something clearly, they often attribute it to fatigue, but a sudden loss of mental ability is a common symptom of stroke. According to medical experts, any person can face difficulty in thinking for a moment, but if its duration increases, it is a matter of concern. Medical experts say many times patients have no idea what is wrong because their brain is not working and their ability to think is affected.


It might just be a headache, but if the pain isn’t affecting you already, it could also be a sign of a stroke. Medical experts say that a migraine or a migraine can also mask a stroke because the mental symptoms are similar in both diseases.

Sensation of the body:

If you wake up in the afternoon after a short nap and your hands or feet feel numb or numb, it can easily be assumed that this is the result of a pinched nerve. However, medical experts say that if your hand suddenly becomes numb or weak and this condition does not go away in a few minutes, then you should contact for immediate medical assistance. Loss of fluency results in hearing or weakness in one part of the body.

Blur vision:

Vision problems such as double vision or vision loss in one eye can be symptoms of paralysis. But most people consider these symptoms to be the result of fatigue as they get older. According to medical experts, fatigue or too much studying is not at all possible. In fact, a blocked blood artery reduces the amount of oxygen needed by the eyes. As a result, vision problems are experienced and other symptoms of stroke do not appear during this time.

Difficulties in speaking:

Some drugs such as painkillers cause stuttering or difficulty speaking and people think this is the effect of their medication, but it can also be a sign of a stroke. According to medical experts, if you have not experienced any kind of side effect while using the same medicine before, then it could be a symptom of stroke and you should immediately seek medical help.

Now let us tell you which foods are helpful in preventing stroke.

According to a study, people who consume white fruits and vegetables daily have a 52% lower risk of stroke. Apples and pears are rich in fiber and the inflammation-fighting antioxidant halothane, while bananas, cabbage, cucumbers, garlic and onions are also beneficial in this regard.


The cocoa in chocolate is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants that fight damage to blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots that can lead to stroke, according to medical experts who recommend eating chocolate. The risk of stroke is reduced by 17% in those who are passionate. If you don’t like chocolate, green and black tea, blueberries, strawberries and garlic are also rich in phlegmonites.

Low salt intake:

The American Heart Association recommends half a teaspoon of salt per day, but most people consume far more than that. Salt increases blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for stroke. Those who consume a lot of salt in their diet double the risk of stroke.

Eating tomatoes:

The antioxidant lycopene gives tumors their red color, and according to a recent clinical study, people with high levels of lycopene in their blood had a 55% lower risk of any type of stroke and a 59% lower risk of ischemic stroke. High amount of antioxidant is found in tomato, while watermelon and guava are also considered the best for obtaining it.

Balanced diet:

A balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meats, and whole grains lowers cholesterol levels, making it less likely to build up in the arteries and reduce the risk of blood clots, not just stroke, but diabetes and high blood pressure. Like diseases also get protection.

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